Tuesday, July 27, 2004

"Muck to brass"

The progress of technology is quite scary when you look at the speed of it and
how things become "out of date" so fast.

Everyone knows that no company started off with the perfect product, and that
is an important point to think about.
Most things we buy have started off quite rough around the edges, yet they also
improve over time.

Imagine if they had not actually brought out the bad products out, then they wouldnt
be where they are today.

A rough imperfect product is better than no product.

Muck can turn to brass.

But without the muck there be no brass.

So however imperfect your article's, or your report's, or even your website, get it started
and "out there",  then the fine tuning and improvements can be made.

Do the muck,  then turn it to brass.  :)

I have done some work as you know,  and it is NOT perfect,  but its a start,  and I can ONLY improve it.


Monday, July 26, 2004

"Feedback, critical to success"

Often feedback is not what you WANT to hear but is often what you NEED to hear.
Feedback gives you a different perspective, and possibly highlights things that would otherwise go missed.

For this reason feedback can be a very big influence on your path to success.
Its how you react to the feedback that counts.
What you DO with that feedback.

I AM glad to hear feedback, and I know it will help me in long run, good or bad feedback.
We have to accept it doesnt always seem to others as it does to you.

Having a mixed kind of feedback is great, as then you can see the highs and lows of what you are doing.
Then it may seem easier for you to find the middle of them, and possibly greatly improve your chances of getting it "right"

Finding people with "contrasting" ways of thinking, and having them give you feedback will give you a great platform to improve things from.

Feedback  is a big part of business that should NEVER be ignored.

After all its YOUR business.  :^)

Sunday, July 25, 2004

"In it to win it"

A great weekend, and I hope you all enjoyed yours too.  : )

I bumped into a friend near the beach while with my sons.
While chatting about working, as in our "real trades" we share, he chipped in that a worker we know had won a small sum on the lottery, something like £100.

Bet that didnt last long knowing his celabrating style!

My friend mention how great it would be to win the big one, yet admitted he DIDNT actually play it.  !!

"Gotta be in it to win it".  :^)

We had a laugh at that, but it is a nugget of truth, thats SO obvious.

Much like our own online desires to be successful, and earning a great income.
We have to be DOING something in order to BE successful, and have your LOTTERY lifestyle.

Hey If an article (in theory) cost you £1 to do, like the lottery, and you do ONE a week, thats a good 52 a year spreading virally for YOU.
And building your CHANCES of the success you dream of.

Why spend your years HOPING for it, like a lottery win, go GET it.
What lifestyle a lottery win could bring you, you could build for yourself.
The SLIM chances of you winning the lottery, is like the slim chance you have of DOING it for yourself...

The reason its slim, is simply because EVERYONE wants it, yet only a small % WILL do it.
Lottery winners are few and far between, as are the more successful self made success stories.

The BIG difference is YOU have the control over your chances of success in your business etc.
The chances of succeeding are MASSIVE if you DO whats needed.
With the lottery, you have NO control, other than PICKING the numbers.

52 articles a year... What would that DO for your success?


Copyright Rob Sellen 2004-2006. All rights reserved.