Monday, March 21, 2005

"Get out of my inbox"

These last few weeks I have started to unsubscribe from a few ezine /newsletters.
Why? Well it's not because of who writes them thats for sure, a few of them have been big names, but lately I have got fed up with those that seem to email you two or three times in a day..
Is there any need for this?
I don't think so.... Treat people how you like to be treated, so I would never send you two or three in the same day.
To make it worse, they are more often than not pitching something at me.
I mean one email with a pitch... and another email that I would ususally expect is ok.

Do they really think it's a good thing to do?
Beats me, but they do it, so I have unsubscribed.

So there are some things you should not copy just because they are a name.
Fair enough some people may have bought from it, but long term they lose out.

Is it just me.?....



Blogger Rob said...

Can't blame ya.. :-(

It drives me nuts at times.

Ah well, at least I know what NOT to do.


Take care.


9:55 pm  

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